白内障是全球第一位致盲眼病,目前通过实施手术置换人工晶体已经成为治疗白内障的有效手段。然而,后发性白内障(PCO)是白内障术后患者仍然面临着一个重大问题,现在临床上还没有一种有效的方法能防治后发性白内障。爱博诺德公司研发团队联合国家纳米科学中心王浩研究员、王磊研究员团队、北京同仁医院朱思泉教授、赵阳博士团队,在北京市科委“生命科学领域前沿技术培育专项项目”支持下,充分发挥“产学研”各方的优势,在防治PCO课题上取得了重大突破,日前这一研究成果已发表于在国际材料领域的顶级刊物《Advanced Materials》(SCI影响因子19.79)上。后续将继续通过产学研合作,加速进行产品转化,争取让这一创新成果早日用于临床。
Yao-Xin Lin, Xue-Feng Hu, Yang Zhao, Yu-Juan Gao, Chao Yang, Sheng-Lin Qiao, Yi Wang, Pei-Pei Yang, Jiao Yan, Xin-Ce Sui, Zeng-Ying Qiao, Li-Li Li, Jiang-Bing Xie, Si-Quan Zhu, Xiao-Chun Wu, Yongsheng Li, Lei Wang and Hao Wang , Photothermal Ring Integrated Intraocular Lens for High-Efficient Eye Disease Treatment. Adv. Mater., 2017, 29, 201701617.
The schematic illustration of Nano-IOLs for prevention of posterior capsule opacification (PCO). a) The digital image and b) illustration of Nano-IOLs with nanostructured Au@SiO2 outer rim. c) The working mechanism of Nano-IOLs for prevention of PCO. The Nano-IOLs implanted in the cataract rabbit eyes inhibits the fibrosis of lens epithelial cells (LECs) by region-confined photothermal treatment under the NIR irradiation.
The in vivo photothermal treatment for prevention of PCO by using Nano-IOLs. a) The timeline of rabbit treatment with cataract surgery and photothermal treatment. b) The slit-lamp images of C-IOLs and Nano-IOLs implanted eyes after surgery in 0, 15, and 30 d.